
Canada’s Anglicans Urged To Fight Zionism
The Anglican Church of Canada passed a resolution at the recent General Synod in Ottawa on 3-7 July urging members to educate themselves "more deeply" about "the impact of illegal settlements on the lives of both Palestinians and Israelis; about imported products identified as produced in or related to the illegal settlements and misleadingly labeled as produced in Israel; and about the complexities of economic advocacy measures."
Archeologists Discover Ancient Canaanite Inscription In Jerusalem
Archeologists discover ancient Canaanite inscription in Jerusalem Hebrew University of Jerusalem archaeologist Dr. Eilat Mazar announced this week that she has found the earliest alphabetical written text ever uncovered in the Jewish State’s nearly 4,000 year-old capital city.
South Korean singer Psy Apologizes For Decade-Old Anti-American Acts
South Korean singer Psy, famed for his viral video song "Gangnam Style," has apologized for anti-American performances a decade ago. Psy made the apology on December 8, ahead of his expected participation in an upcoming concert before U.S. President Barack Obama in Washington.
The Internet Revolution is a Liberty Revolution
Ron Paul
Until the late 1990s, individuals interested in Austrian economics, U.S. constitutional history, and libertarian philosophy had few sources of information. They had to spend hours scouring used book stores or the back pages of obscure libertarian periodicals to find the great works of Mises, Rothbard, Hayek, and other giants of liberty. Local library and university collections ignored libertarian politics and economics.
Holocaust Memorial Day Marked In Washington Dc
Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak was welcomed to the Pentagon Thursday for a commemoration of Holocaust Memorial Day. "Today we pause to remember and honor 6 million souls who were murdered not because of anything they had done, but because of who they were," Defense Secretary Leon E. Panetta said during the ceremony, which was the first of its kind to be held at the Pentagon.
Nigerian Christians Dismayed by President’s Security Response to Church Bombings
The Christian Association of Nigeria, CAN, met with President Goodluck Jonathan at the State House in Abuja late Wednesday to express concern after the Christmas Day church bombings by Boko Haram. The president of CAN criticized the government’s security response to Boko Haram and suggested that Christians may have to defend themselves from Muslim militants.
Christmas Day Bombings Sweep Nigeria, At Least 39 Dead
It was a bloody Christmas in Nigeria where at least four bomb blasts killed 39 people, including dozens at a Catholic church near Abuja. The radical Islamic group Boko Haram, whose name means "Western education is sinful," claimed responsibility for what appeared to have been coordinated attacks.
Honor Killings On The Rise In Pakistan
Pakistan has taken steps to counter the troubling rise of "honor killings," but recently enacted laws were not enough to save 675 women. That is the number of women who died in honor killings in the first nine months of 2011, according to Pakistan's leading human-rights watchdog, putting the county on track to exceed the record number of such killings recorded in 2010.
Will U.S. Move On Global Gay Rights Hurt, Or Help?
Is the United States upholding human rights, or meddling in other people's business? That may be the question in many countries following a coordinated call by President Barack Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton for governments around the world to do more to protect gay rights.
The Illusion of Safety
Ron Paul
Recent incidents of violence in Norway and London have made us understandably uncomfortable here at home, as many fear that a worsening economy will lead to violence and unrest in American cities. This is why Congress must view the economy as its first priority and a matter of national security: unless and until we get our fiscal house in order to foster economic growth, civil society will continue to deteriorate.
It is Still Morning in America
Joe Pitts
As we celebrate the 100th birthday of President Ronald Reagan, those who knew and admired him remember his consistent optimism. Reagan was no Pollyanna, but he saw that the best days of our country lay ahead of us. In his first inaugural address he spoke encouraging words to a nation that felt it was in an unstoppable decline: "With all the creative energy at our command, let us begin an era of national renewal."
Armenian Awakening: Revival of a Church
The voices of a small Armenian choir reverberate off the ancient walls of a 17th century church in the rugged hills of Yerevan. Outside the tiny parish, churchgoers huddle, clamoring to get a peek of the evening service. It is Christmas Eve, and nearly 20 years after the collapse of the Soviet Union, the Armenian Church has once again come alive.
Democracies Confront Their Own Growing Censorship Tendencies
Arch Puddington
The murders of journalists in Russia, the jailing of bloggers in China, and the crackdown on the media in Iran regularly remind us that freedom of expression is under duress, even in an era of expanding global communications. However, considerably less attention has been paid to a new, more insidious threat to this fundamental human right.
US Archive Report Details Nazi-Muslim Connections
A report published Friday by the US National Archives reveals that during the Second World War, the Nazi government in Berlin paid "a fortune" to grand mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin al-Husseini, for his help against the British who at that time had jurisdiction over much of the Middle East.
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